A great number of family programs provide IHC members a wide range of parent/child and intergenerational activities. These programs are under the direction of the Family Education and Religious School Committees. They are given here, under the Religious School heading because they are actively administered by the School.

GESHER L'MISHPACHAH (Bridge to the family): This works like a scout merit badge program where families complete activities for points. When a family earns 18 points it crosses the gesher.

HOLIDAY CELEBRATIONS: Chanukah and Purim programs and dinners help the observance of those holidays. Four times a year TGIS (Thank God It's Shabbat) dinners welcome Shabbat with traditional food.

WORSHIP EXPERIENCES: There are monthly Friday night services geared to the families with small children (Tot Shabbat) and with elementary school-age children (Family Night Services).

PARENT/CHILD INTERACTIVE EXPERIENCES: Parent visitation at Religious School at grade-level FLEX programs (Family Learning EXperience) allow parents and children to learn together. PATT (Parents Are Teachers Too) are four Sunday mornings in which parents and 3-5 year olds participate in holiday-oriented programs.

JiFFTY (Jist For Fun Temple Youth): JiFFTY is a program for grades 7 and 8 children. Regular social and religious activities are held at the Temple and around Indianapolis. Some of the events planned each year are sporting events, theater, dining out, bowling, skating, and the annual trip to King's Island in Cincinnati. Eighth graders are eligible for our Fall and Spring exchange weekends with The Temple in Nashville, Tennessee. All events are chaperoned by our advisors.

5TH/6TH GRADE YOUTH GROUP: Quarterly programs are designed to build friendships and have fun. Children of this age level get to know other IHC youth while going on chaperoned trips within Indianapolis accompanied by parents and advisors.

GOLDMAN UNION CAMP INSTITUTE (GUCI): Every summer hundreds of children from Reform synagogues throughout the Midwest converge on GUCI in Zionsville. GUCI is an overnight camp for children entering grades 4-10 and offers a unique combination of Judaism, sports, the arts, the outdoors, fun, and a lot of growing up.

RELIGIOUS SCHOOL: The Religious School occupies a wing of the Temple where classes are held for grades 1 - 9. Classes are taught by parents and volunteers who bring enthusiasm and study to a UAHC award-winning curriculum. Confimation classes are taught by the rabbis.

Call the IHC office, 317-255-6647, or send Email to obtain more information on any of the above programs.