For Religiously Blended Families


1) To convey the message that the Reform Jewish community welcomes interfaith couples.

2) To provide a safe, non-judgmental place for participants to explore the impact of tradition on their lives in order to make informed decisions about their future.

3) To enable participants to consider how they will relate to their families of origin in regard to religious observance and tradition.

4) To include education about Judaism to facilitate participants’ decision-making about religious practice and child rearing

Format and Ground Rules:

Everyone’s views are valued and respected.

No one view is espoused...this is a place to explore different beliefs and issues.

Confidentiality is respected at all times.

Everyone should have “air time” and a chance to speak.

Formal discussion ends at 9 p.m., though participants are free to linger and chat. (Those with children in child-care area should fetch them by 9 p.m.)

IHC’s Outreach Discussion/Support Group is open to all interfaith couples and Jews-by-Choice throughout the community. The group meets from 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. on the fourth Thursday of most months. If you plan to bring children to any meeting, it is important to RSVP and advise the Temple Office, 255-6647, the Monday before the meeting.