Evelyn reminds us of recent acquisitions:


Beyond Bashert: a guide to dating and marriage enrichment, by Lisa Aiken. A practical combination of marriage counseling and Judaism. Tells what to look for in a mate, painful issues that need to be dealt with, and includes a premarital questionnaire as well as a chapter on feeling hopeless about one's marriage.

Chosen Tales: stories told by Jewish storytellers, editted by Peninnah Schram. A collection of 68 stories by Jewish storytellers throughout the world. Also contains a glossary and lists of storytelling organizations, and works by the contributors. Most helpful is the section with the contributor's names, addresses and phone numbers.

The Jewish War: a novel, by Tovah Reich. A scathingly satiric, tragicomic novel of sects in Israel—with elements of uncanny realism. From the ultra-orthodox to the Christian fundamentalists to the Arab nationalists, no group escapes Reich's formidable pen. A short novel that makes you think.

Kosher Kettle: International adventures in Jewish cooking, edited by Sybil Ruth Kaplan. Filled with anecdotes and personal notes, there are more than 350 recipes from 27 countries. No mouthwatering photos but an interesting collection.


And Twelve Chinese Acrobats, by Jane Yolen. A thgoroughly delightful story of the author's father and his family, describing the many problems of youth. Age 9 and up.

Golem, by Mark Podwal. The legend of the monster made out of clay is vividly portrayed by writer and illustrator, Mark Podwal. Age 8 and up.

Pearl Plants A Tree, by Jane Breskin Zalben. The holiday of Tu B'Shevat now has a charming addition for the younger set filled with bears and information about tree ceremonies.


The doors never close at the Temple Library! Our collection contains more than 5,500 Jewish books and materials for all readers. You are encouraged to browse and borrow.

BOOKS: Books are categorized for Children (grades K-3), Youth (grades 4-8), High School Students, and Adults. There are separate sections for Reference, Oversized, Cookbooks, Travel Guides, Large Print Books, and IHC Authors.

AUDIOCASSETTES: Books-on-tape, Music, Sermons, Block Forum Series Lectures, Language and Torah tapes.

PERIODICALS: We have more than 40 national and international Jewish magazines, newspapers and periodicals.

PROGRAMMING: Storytelling is arranged for grades K-3, and "Meet the Manuscript" workshops are scheduled. Books are available for the homebound.

VIDEOCASSETTES: Educational, entertainment and movie tapes are available for rent to both children and adults.

CATALOGUE: A patron computer is available to make searches according to title, author or subject.

HOURS: The library is open whenever the Temple building is open. Borrowing is on the honor system if the librarian or a volunteer is not available. Instructions are posted for borrowing materials and books.

BORROWING AND RETURNING BOOKS: Adult books—3 weeks. Children's books—2 weeks. Instructions are on the librarian's desk. Videos are rental items for $2.00 per week. There is a Conscience Fund box for forgetful people on the desk.


Remember, "There's a Jewish book waiting for you at the Temple Library!"